FinanSE 2024 Organizers

Vali Tawosi

AI Research Lead, J.P. Morgan AI Research
Vali Tawosi is an AI Research Lead at JP Morgan Chase. He has received his PhD from the Department of Computer Science at UCL (University College London). Vali’s research interest includes SBSE (Search-Based Software Engineering), software analytics, and predictive models for software engineering.

Salwa Alamir

Research Lead, J.P. Morgan AI Research
Salwa Alamir is an AI Research Lead at JP Morgan Chase and is also completing a part-time PhD at University College London (UCL). Salwa has published SE papers in venues such as ICSE’22, ICSME’23, and ICAPS’21 and filed over 20 patents related to SE in Finance. She has given keynote talks on AI for Technology at PEARC and AI Summit London.

Ran Zmigrod

AI Research Scientist, J.P. Morgan AI Research
Ran Zmigrod is an AI researcher at JP Morgan Chase. He received his PhD from the University of Cambridge specialising in parsing algorithms for Natural Language Processing.

Yulong Pei

AI Research Scientist, J.P. Morgan AI Research
Yulong is an AI Research Scientist at JP Morgan AI Research focusing on machine learning and natural language processing in financial domains. He received Ph.D. (cum laude) in computer science from Eindhoven University of Technology. His research interests cover natural language processing and graph machine learning.

Petr Babkin

Research Lead, J.P. Morgan AI Research
Petr Babkin is an AI Research Lead at JP Morgan Chase, focusing on NLP for financial information retrieval and AI for code applications such as automation of dependency maintenance, legacy code translation, and most recently, probing of code LLMs for program repair capabilities. He obtained his PhD in cognitive science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, specialising on the interplay of linguistic processing and interlocutor’s dynamic expectations.